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Playing In The Land of Celebrities!

Santa Barbara, Montevito, & Carpenteria, California

October 20-22., 2023

Wow, just wow! The beauty of the Pacific Ocean meeting the mountains was amazing. With the city and surrounding towns nestled in the valley of the mountains, there were beautiful views all around.

Although we were a bit disappointed none of the celebrities showed up for lunch with us on famous State Street, it was thrilling to explore their city. This area is home to many celebrities: Kevin Costner, Oprah Winfrey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, and dont forget Harry and Meghan of the roual family! They live close enough to borrow a cup of sugar, but you may be hard pressed to find sugar at some of these homes!

You absolutely have not shopped until you have been in the Goodwill at Carpenteria ... just saying!!

The farmers market on Saturday was a huge event with so many different types of produce and fresh meats from bean sprouts to ground lamb. Fresh cut flowers were a big hit too!

Palm trees, Poincianas, large succulents, and birds of paradise were everywhere!

Riding along the coast among the beautiful palm trees and plants, we encountered many people walking and enjoying their electric bikes and skateboards.

Lili enjoyed biking too! She also enjoyed all of the smells as we walked around the town!

We are all packed up and heading south down this beautiful coast! Jesus, we thank you for this opportunity to see your splendid creations, but most of all we thank you for your love and grace.

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Oct 23, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Looks like the fresh markets are a go too must! Have fun and keep blogging. Luv it..

Nov 03, 2023
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Thank you! The produce was definitely the most amazing thing about California!

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