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We RIDE on!!!

Day 14: The scenery changed from bright green, yellow, and orange to desert mountains as we drove from Crested Butte to Glenwood Springs , Co. We also experienced a temperature change from 33 to 90 degrees on Wednesday .

Yesterday, we set out on an awesome bike ride on the RioGrande Bike Trail. This is a 42 mile paved bike trail, most of this trail was an abandoned train track from Glenwood Springs to Aspen which captures amazing views as it meanders close to the rushing river and through small towns.

We rode over bridges, through all kinds of neighborhoods, and were amazed at how the architecture of some of the most upscale homes were using old tin on the outside. Lili loved the ride! Her little feet would start moving as if she was pedaling to catch up whenever I got too far ahead.

Pops of Fall colors were peeking out!

We rode for 4 hours; Im not sure about the distance. Well, we did not make it all the way to Aspen, we wanted to get back before sundown as it cools down pretty fast especially with shorts and tee shirts. With the elevation change from about 10,000 to about 5,000 a big change from Crested Butte! we definitely had more energy!

With news from Rick and Ryan about the crimes in Grand Junction, we decided to head to Steamboat Springs today. They have not killed an elk after 10 days of hard back packing 7 miles into the mountains. With both having tags for Montana, they headed for better hunting. Hopefully, they will see some elk in Montana!

Its is Friday and time to wake up the baby girl, Lili. She is such a trooper. Doug and I were just talking about how grateful we are for each other, our love, and our ability to explore God's creations in our little Airstream with our little family, lili (dog) and Fred (betta fish). We hope you are finding some joy in reading about our journey. Thank you Jesus!

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